Nine Hearts
Weekly, Prime Time
“Nine Hearts”tells the compelling story of a special forces team set up to protect Turks globally on operations packed with passion, bravery and humanity, highlighting the strong personal bonds that they forge in battles against hostile forces bent on destroying their world.
“Nine Hearts” tells the potent story of a special forces team set up to protect Turks globally under the charismatic command of Colonel Tomris and Captain Batur. Their Emergency Response Team, a jewel in the Turkish military crown, fights battles in challenging environments on adventures packed with passion, bravery and humanity.
The courageous Tomris performs military heroics despite the personal suffering of divorce and separation from her son, while fearless Batur must overcome his own personal tragedy. They must defeat evil forces determined to strangle their team at birth, with Batur caught up in battles to thwart a major terrorist’s treacherous plans.
Once Tomris has fought her way out of the clutches of hostile forces in Azerbaijan, the Nine Hearts can finally launch their operation to save Turkish nomads threatened by terrorists on the Uzbek-Afghan border. Outnumbered and stuck in hostile territory, the team must defeat what they discover is a worldwide plot to destroy Turks.
Tomris and Batur find themselves drawn into a dangerous world that fuels both their hopes and fears, forming deep relationships that strengthen them in the great war which Nine Hearts is destined to fight. They are set to open a new heroic chapter in the two thousand-year history of the Turkish soldier.